Thursday, August 20, 2009

My grandmother's a witch

My grandmas a witch.


I love my grandma.
Shes a nice woman, and she has a lot of years behind her, so that makes her wiser than most of the people in my family. My grandma solves family arguments, gives suggestions that help people out, and is there for everyone every step of the way...

But shes weird.
Well... lets start with her cooking,
If she made a cookbook, it wouldn't be titled "grandmas cookbook" itd be "101 ways to die"
For example...

One thanksgiving, while everyone had pudding and turkey... we had rice, noodles, and rabbit in a pot.


I could still feel that rabbit screaming in my belly.
One day, I was suppose to cook breakfast. Eggs, pork, cauliflour, and bacon was on the menu, of course, all on seperate dishes.

I was just cooking the bacon, 1 side of it was cooked, the other side, raw.
So.. I was just about to flip the other side...
But along came my grandma
She dumps the caulitflour, eggs, and pork in the frying pan.

All one big ass combonation.
Im like "WHAT THE HELL?!?"
And, then, she cooks it herself..

None of us wanted to eat it
But we had to.

Another night, we had this soup.
Actually, it was more like a potion
Seaweed, pork, steak slices, baby shrimp, and fish eyes.



And thats not all..
Like I said, my grandma has alot of years behind her.
I mean ALOT
shes about.. in her 70's
And she looks like shes in her 50's.
Lemme tell ya, shes doing really well at her 70's.
Not a trace of gray hair.

She runs really fast
Has the energy of a youth
Works all day
And one time, when the door was locked, and none of us could get inside, she comes up, and twists the knob, which opened the door. As if it werent locked.
Which was strange, because there was no logical explanation for that. Other than she practiced witchcraft.

And my hand.. it has eczema. Which has tons of blotches of dead, dry skin.
She pulled out this bucket of chinese tea. I dont know how she got it either. She dunks my hand into the bucket, which was burning hot. I screamed out loud in pain, and she held my hand there for along time.

But when I pulled my hand out, the blotches of skin were gone... and it was renewed..

But after a couple days, it came back.

Another time, my stomach was gurgling (you can guess why), and I was ready to throw up. She gave me a slice of ginger to chew up, and my stomach setttled, I didnt have to throw up anymore.

So.. yea..

Thats all I had on my mind today


Thursday, August 6, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson.

Great guy.
Forever, the king of pop.

Wait, where have I heard this before?

What happend to "Michael Jackson raped little boys" or "Michael Jackson was a pedophile"
Everyone just stopped all these rude jokes abouit Michael Jackson the second he died.

Its the media. The media was always making front headline covers about Michael Jacskon raping little boys the time he was alive. Thats how those people work. If theres nothing they can grab their hands on to make money, then they'll make stuff up and make money off what they made up.

So, they start rumors. Terrible rumors
And rumors spread like a wildfire. Seconds later, the rumor hits everyones ears, and EVERYONE believes it.
It worked with Brittany Spears. They trashed her again and again, which caught peoples interest, which sucked up more money. And in the proccess, Brittany was ready to kill herself.

As it worked with Brittany Spears, and it worked just as well with Michael Jackson.
You see, media made up the rumor he raped little boys. He was even sent to court over such a stupid rumor. And because of this rumor, the media was making tons of money over it.

And they had no respect for his music.

And even if it were Michael Jackson writing an autograph to a little boy, the media would catch on to the scene and write "MICHAEL JACKSON WAS HITTING ON A LITTLE BOY! 'SUPPOSINGLY' HE WAS GIVING HIM HIS AUTOGRAPH!"

And people were making tons and tons of jokes about Michael jackson raping little boys.
Even when it was SECODNS before he died.

The SECOND he died, the media said "Woah, guys wait. Instead of the next headline saying "Michael Jackson raped a little boy," lets put "Michael Jackson is dead. May he rest in peace"

And the SECOND HE DIED, it was THE SECOND everyone forgot about all the "Michael Jackson raped little boys" jokes.

Its the media. They saw that the headline "May Michael Jackson rest in peace" made more money than "Michael Jackson raped a little boy"

Now, as soon as he died, the next person who said "Micahel jackson raped little boys" was rude, and had no respect for his music.

Which, makes everyone here a fricking hypocript.
Betcha the next person you hear who says "RIP MJ" was also a person who said "Michael Jackson raped a little boy"

I betcha, if for some miracle, Michael Jackson came back to life, sure everyone would say" OMG! MICHAEL JACKSON IS ALIVE! HURRAY!" but in a matter of time, its back to "Michael jackson raped little boys".

Heres what I have to say.
Was Michael Jacksons death the only way for everyone to stop with all the "Michael Jackson raped little boys" jokes?

Was Michael Jackson dying the only way for you to pay respect for his music?

Was MIchael Jackson dying the only way you could wanted to buy his album?

Maybe if I died, everyone would at least take a look at my blog.

Personally, I didn't really like his music. Well, maybe one or two songs. But I never believed in the rumor that he raped little boys. And I still respected him before and after he died.

And I respected him because even though there were tons of rumors about him raping little boys, and rude jokes about him turning from black to white, he ignored it, he shrugged it all off and kept on singing and making music.

And that, is what makes him the king of pop. And "The King of Pop" was one of the greatest marks he left here on earth.

So Michael Jackson


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer on the Bathroom Wall

So theres this thing on Facebook.

It's an application. Its called "Bathroom wall"

Basically, you can type down whatever you want and stay anonymous.

So, you can say the meanest shit about someone
and that person, or nobody, will find out who wrote that shit.

The thing is, you do have the option to type down your name.
Well, at least I do.
But if I have a problem with someone, I keep it to myself.

There's a little option that can show what your friends on facebook have been saying on the bathroom wall.
The thing is, there's a large bullying circle going around on the bathroom wall.

One kid says "Oh my god! Angelina Mahuanderson is the biggest slut in our school! She sucks off 100000 dicks a day! Oh my god! Isnt that gross??"

And the thing is, no one will ever find out who posted that.
You see, its kinda sad, to say something mean, but not to let anyone know who said it.

I mean, how low can you get?
I've been called a pussy a couple of times, but the real pussy is the one whos too scared to put their names down when they say something mean.

But thats not the point.
The real point is, there's this girl in my school.
I dont know who she is, but she goes by the codename "Summer".

And she has a problem with EVERY kid in my school.

Its always something mean about my friends
shes saying stuff about race,
shes saying stuff about kids appearances
How they dress
and how some kids are "trash" because they have less than her.

And man, this "summer" girl,
she wont tell anyone her real name.
She keeps going "I wont tell you my real name! Im not telling you guys who I really am! Youll have to keep calling me summer! The fun in this is keeping you guys guessing!"

Alot of kids are pointing fingers at one another, "I think that girl is summer! No, shes summer! No she is!"
And because of all this accusation, friendships are breaking apart and fights happen.
This girl is starting a real riot at the school.
All the kids at school are saying

"Summer you stupid hoe! Tell us who you are! Im no punk because I can put up my real name! You gonna get beat ugly fuck!"

alot of kids chuck threats at her. "Ima smash yo face in!" "Ima kick yo ass!"
and heres how she responds.

"Its so funny how you kids try to act like your all cool! Look at me! You guys say youll beat in my face yet you have no idea which face it is! You act like you can reach me with your fists but you cant! You guys cant do nothing about it because you have no idea who I am!"

I dont know what it was about this girl, but she really pissed everyone off.

Heres my little side of the story.
I dont know this girl, but I have a number of accusations. But I keep them to myself.

But really
Summer if your reading this,

When you grow up, when you get a job (probably as some prostitute), and family and kids and all that, listen up, there is no bathroom wall to hide your face. When your in deep shit, everyones gonna look at you. When you have to fight, there wont be any bathroom wall to help you out. When you have to cuss, to be cool, you dont learn it hiding your face and your name on some facebook application.

Looking at you, you are the most pathetic thing Ive seen in my life.
You go around, saying shit about people who dont have to hide their face and name to stand up for themselves.
You talk shit about people and stay anounymous like some sort of scared rat, but act like your some sorta god.
You think your all protected behind some facebook application because no one will ever find out who you are.

Summer, the only guts you have are behind some facebook application.
Let me tell you something
Its not gonna be there forever

and that kids
is all for my rant

Saturday, June 6, 2009

3 oh 3, dont trust me


listen to the song "30h3, Dont trust me"


I heard this song, and thought "wow, this is pretty cool. Im going to download this and pput it on my MP3"
So I did.

My little habit on my MP3 is that I listen to half a song, and change to a different song by the time the song has been playing for 1 minuets and 30 seconds.

So, I never got to hear the bridge of this song.

When I decided to listen to the whole song, there were song lyrics that just ruined it.

Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said, Shush girl shut your lips,Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said, Shush girl shut your lips,Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.








(For those who dont know who Helen Keller is, she's a historical woman who couldn't see, talk, or hear. So basically, she was blind in almost all senses. She was living in darkness her whole life. Go to the library and rent the movie "The Miracle Child")

So, this song, makes Helen Keller look like some sorta hooker.
You cant just say "Do the helen keller and talk with your hips"

Its no better than putting up two fingers in front of a blind man and asking "how many fingers am i holding up? Oh, yea! YOU CANT SEE!"



What the hell? Seriously, there are a thousand different things you can say the line "talk with your hips"

You could say "Talk with your hips,"
"Swing them"
"Do a hula hoop dance"

You dont need to say "Do the helen keller Talk with your hips!"

I'm sorry, but History, and 2009 music, just dont mix.

Imagine we had songs like

"Do the Adolf hitler and kill people for no reason"
"Do the terry fox and run a couple blocks"
"Do the Abraham lincoln and do whatever abraham lincoln does"
"Do the Jesus Christ and preach"
"Do the Martin Luther King and run a march"
"Do the Rosa Parks and refuse to giver away your seat"

Wouldn't that be stupid?
Would you even give a chance to listen to these songs?
So what the hell does "do the helen keller and talk with your hips" makes it so cool?




if we put in histroical people.

Whoever wrote that song, must be the biggest idiot on earth.
Because as soon as I heard that line..

I deleted that song off my MP3
Deleted it off my computer
and Deleted it off my "favorite songs list"

Because the second you put in a historical figure for a sexual theme in a song, you just killed music

Monday, March 16, 2009

Annoying Rules

There is a monster out there.

This monster has been known for all kinds of damage.

Taking away freedom, destroying our wildest dreams,

Its done many things, even killed afew people.

This monster, is known as RULES


Yea, I know is a bit corny, but the point is, everyone hates rules.
Laws, restrictions, games, school, everywhere you go, there are rules. Its like a stalking monster.

My parents come up with the most retarded rules.

1- do not go outside unless you have an adult.

So basically, Im stuck here alone in my house. When I was younger, 2-3 years old, this house was like a big world to me. But now, the worlds finished, and I need to go outside.
So i sneak out to buy games and stuff.

2- I cant hang out with friends

UNLESS my parents know this person very very well, is friends with thier parents, and this person studies alot.
Other than that, I cant hang out at the movies, at dances, outside of school.
There are only a handful of people I can hang out with and they meet the requirements.


heres the rules in my house.
On my report card, I must get A's.
This is a thing I've ripped off from KevJumba. Its a set of rules from Kevjumba's parents, and they apply in my house too. (If you dont know who KevJumba is, search him up on Youtube)

here are the rules

Get a A- Average
Get a B- Bad
Get a C- Crap
Get a D- death
Get a F- F**ked

If I got any B's-F's, my parents would beat the holy **** outta me.

Same with tests.
if I got a 87/100, then thats....


Thats 13 beatings.

Once I got a 65/100 on a science test..

You do not want to know what happend


I hate studying.
Everyone does.
Its hard, its energy draining, its an even worse monster than Rules.
Math, English, Social Studies, and the list goes on.
My parents hired a tutor all the time, even though we dont even need it!

rule 5- No play time=Work Work Work!

Work is an even worse monster.
I hate Chores.
Vacumming, cleaning, dusting, sweeping, dish washing, mopping, cooking, the list goes on.
All this, takes about a day to do.
And over night, all your hard work, it all falls down in a second.
So the dustmites you sweeped up come back,
the garbage on the ground appears,
The dust is back
the crap on the kitchen floor you just mopped up is back
the sink is full of dishes

By morning, you have to spend the day doing the chores all over again.
Its a cycle.
That sucks away free time.


My dad doesnt trust game systems nowadays. He thinks all games are gory and will teach us wrong things. Other than that, he says "its a waste of time. STUDY STUDY STUDY!"
Yea right.

So, I bought a PS2 off a friend, and play it when my dad is around.

One last rule

No computer on weekdays.

My dad thinks we spend too much time on the computer.
He brings his laptop on weekends, and lets us go on. But then, he takes it away on weekdays.
We ask him "Why did you take away the computer"

So thats why i cant blog on weekdays.
Exept on March Break and Christmas Break. Thats allowed.

So those are the rules I must deal with

Thats all

Cheers XP

Chris Brown beating on Rhianna

I always thought Chris Brown was a nice guy.

Well, everyone did.

Usually, when you listen to a song, you can tell the personality of the singer.

Simple Plan sings songs about sadness, siucide, getting pushed around, darkness, emonism. Songs like "Welcome to my life" or "Perfect" or "Crazy" makes me imagine them as emotionally angry men who wear black and cut stars into their wrists.

Soulja boy sings songs like "Crank that spiderman" or "crank that birdwalk" or "crank that superman" so this guy must be some sorta marvel fanatic and loves to do random dancees on the street for money before he became famous.

Avril lavigne sings songs like "Skaterboy" or "hot." so she must be some sorta teenage slut who chases one guy, dumps him, and goes for another, then dumps that one.

Then, there are those weird bands who you cant tell their personality at all.

The Jonas Brothers.

They sing songs like burning up, sos, year 3000, when you look me in the eyes.

When you add them all together, all you see is 3 homos looking each other in the eyes, getting transported to the year 3000, burning up, and calling for an sos.
Make sense? I dont think so.

So, Chris brown sings songs like "With you" or "Forever." You cen tell hes a caring, loving, guy whos real nice, Plus he sings good,

Now, imagine Chris brown, actually jumping on his girlfriend, sending a barrage of ballistic blows on her, mauling her like a bear.

At first, the person who told me that, I thought "thats bull, hed never do that"

Second person told me "Well. no, hed never do that. I mean, its Chris brown..."

Third person "wow, did he really do that? I dont believe it"

Chris brown beating up someone?
On top of that, Rhianna needs surgery, she canceled a buncha concerts.

I thought that was unbeilivible at first.

Thats like Simple Plan playing a song about angels, butterflies, happiness, and optimistic stuff.

Thats like Avril lavigne writing songs about girls.

thats like Soulja boy not dancing to his songs!


All of the above would never happen!

So why did Chris brown beating on rhianna happen.

Now I dont know what type of guy Chris brown is.

so thats all. cheers

busted computer

I have got to Fix my god damn computer.

K, so my computer crashed, and all you see is a blue screen. This is called "the blue screen of death." Basically, if you run into the Blue screen of death, your computer is forever broken, unless your willing to pay hundreds of bucks to repair it.

I couldn't let my dad know I broke the computer, so I had to fix it myself.

I literally, just unscrewed it, and looked inside. I had gloves on, a bunch of screwdrivers and nails, a hammer, some wood, a saw, but that was it.

I failed at fixing it.

So, what I did was reformat my computer.

Basically, that meant just erasing everything little piece of data on your computer. Games, saved work, whatever you did on your computer, its all gone.

Including the blue screen of death.
So, I did that.

But that means I have to remake everything from scratch.
I have to install sound, DVD player, microsoft word and powerpoint, network, and all kinds of crap.

Im having trouble with network.
Basically, when you click on "Internet Explorer," it gets connected to a part of your computer called "the network adapter". It flashes when you go on facebook, google, pornhub, or whatever.
My "Network adapter" is basically asleep, so i can't go on the internet at all.

I called Dell 1000000000s of times. I called everyone. But all they said was "Ive got nothing for ya"

So, to wake up my "network adapter" i have to download a bunch of drivers.
But none of them work.

So, im stuck here with no internet.
(Im at the library for those who dont know)